We are located at 303 E. Ninth Street in Downtown Hopkinsville. You can park in our main parking lot, in the lot behind the church on the other side of Tenth Street, or along our building on Liberty Street.
Before 11:00, you can enter the building through the double doors on Liberty Street or through the portico doors in our parking lot. You can also enter through the red main sanctuary doors, at the front of the church facing Ninth Street at the top of the stairs. At 11:00, the only doors unlocked are the main sanctuary doors.
The sanctuary is on the second floor. There is an elevator near the Liberty street doors, or two sets of stairs inside the building.
A nursery for our youngest members and visitors is available on Sunday mornings. Find our nursery on the first floor in the long hallway between the portico doors and Liberty street.
Bathrooms are located in the fellowship hall on the first floor, or on the second floor. The upstairs ladies' room is right outside the sanctuary, and the mens' room is at the end of the choir hallway.
Our pastor, Rev. Becky Durham, or one of our elders will be glad to meet with you to answer any questions you have about the church or to express interest in joining the congregation. You can email Rev. Becky at revbecky(at)fpchopkinsville.com or call the church office to set up a time to meet.
From time to time, the pastor will also offer a new member's class to help visitors become familiar with what it is to be a Presbyterian or to join our church.
To become an active member of First Presbyterian Church, simply inform the Pastor or member of the Session (Elder) of your wish. In the Presbyterian Church, there are three ways people become members:
Affirmation of Faith – Those who have never made a public profession of faith are asked to do so before the Session and congregation in worship. If he/she has not been baptized, that sacrament will be done in conjunction with this profession. If a person has been baptized already (albeit another denomination), that sacrament is not repeated.
Reaffirmation of Faith – If a person has been baptized and received into the membership of another church, but a long period of time has lapsed since activity in that church, and the person wants to “start fresh”, he/she can reanswer before the session and congregation in worship the questions posed for public profession of faith.
Transfer of Membership - If a person is an active or inactive member of another church, our session can write to that church and request the letter of membership be transferred. Whether the “home church” responds or not is not relevant to full membership here.
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